HOMESCHOOLING: I Love Plants (1)

Isaiah 65:21 (KJV)  And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.

Planting is one of the activity in heaven. We plant. We harvest. We enjoy.
Unlike in our world today, we plant, sometimes we harvest and sometimes not, and others will enjoy it.

I will bound to Heaven. Oh, how I long to go there and live there eternally. And i want my children to be there too.

That is why i train them how to plant. I am not a farmer nor having an agriculture background. My grandparents were not farmers either.

I learned how to plant from books and internet. I never planted anything before as i was born, grew up in the capital city.

I bought a package of seeds, complete with its pot, fertilizer, manual book, seeds, soil, and assesment worksheet from Ecopark (Ancol). It costs IDR 35k each. We bought caisim and lettuce. One package of caisim consisted of hundreds seeds.



We tried with caisim to see if it is easy enough to plant. The kids love it and super exci



The manual book explained in details how to plant right from how to open the can 🙂

Day by day the kids were impatiently to see if the seeds are growing. We started to plant only 5 seeds in one can and found another unused can from house to plant another 5 seeds.

The manual says within 3 days the seeds will grow and show the leaves.
But ours? Nothing changed! No growing signs appear! 😦
I checked again the manual to see if we missed anything. Then i found out that we must water the seeds everyday.. hahahhaa…we forgot to water the seeds! After we water it, and in the next day, they





Hurray!!! all those 10 seeds are succesfully grow!

According to manual, each new individual plant should be transferred to an individual pot. And they are now ready for sunshine…yeeyy, baby caisim here we go!!


Ayat Inti:
Serukanlah kuat-kuat, janganlah tahan-tahan! Nyaringkanlah suaramu bagaikan sangkakala, beritahukanlah kepada umat-Ku pelanggaran mereka dan kepada kaum keturunan Yakub dosa mereka!
Yesaya 58:1

Apa yang telah saya katakan pada bagian  pendahuluan khotbah ini hanyalah merupakan pengantar agar kita menyadari begitu pentingnya reformasi. 
Orang-orang duniapun tahu bahwa reformasi itu sangat diperlukan, apalagi kita sebagai anggota gereja Masehi Advent Hari Ketujuh, refomasi rohani haruslah menjadi suatu kebutuhan kita yang paling urgen sekarang ini.

Mengapa reformasi?
Kitab Yesaya 58:1 “Serukanlah kuat-kuat, jangan tahan-tahan Nyaringkanlah suaramu bagaikan sangkakala, beritahukan kepada umatKu pelanggaran mereka dan kepada kaum keturunan Yakub dosa mereka.” 

Firman Allah mengatakan “sekaranglah waktunya” untuk menyatakan kelemahan dan dosa umat Allah, agar mereka sadar akan perlunya reformasi. 

Pentingnya waktu tidaklah dapat nilai. Yesus menghargai setiap saat sebagai sangat berharga, seperti demikianlah kita harus menilainya.  Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk disia-siakan.  Kita hanya memiliki sedikit waktu percobaan untuk mana kita persiapkan untuk kekekalan.  Kita tidak boleh membuang-buang waktu, tidak ada waktu untuk bersenang-senang secara selfish, tidak ada waktu untuk memanjakan dosa.  Sekaranglah waktunya bagi kita untuk membentuk tabiat bagi masa depan, kehidupan baka.  Sekaranglah saatnya bagi kita untuk bersiap bagi penyelidikan penghakiman.  COL 343

“Hendaklah para gembala sekarang mengangkat  suara dan menyerukan kebenaran masa kini.  Hendaklah kita menunjukkan kepada umat itu dimana kita sedang berada sekarang dalam sejarah Nubuatan.” 5T 716.

Tiga alasan Alkitab dan Roh Nubuat, mengapa kita memerlukan reformasi saat ini:

1. Karena saat ini umat Tuhan     dalam kondisi suam (Wahyu 3:16).
Roh Nubuat memberikan difinisi suam itu sebagai:
(a) Kristen asalan (formalitas)
(b) Acuh dan tidak mau bertanggug jawab
(c) Kerohanian yang netral
(d) Memiliki pengetahuan yang dangkal
(e) Melakukan tuntutan agama diluar Kristus
(f) Merasa bahwa jabatan akan  menyelamatkan
(g) Mendengarkan firman tetapi tidak mau
(h) setengah hati.
(Baca 1 T 161, 1T 188, 5T 76,77 Sn 7 SDA BC 970).

2. Agar umat Allah tahan menghadapi ujian pada masa yang akan datang.
Ellen G. White:

“Umat Allah tidak akan tahan menghadapi ujian itu kecuali ada kebangunan dan reformasi rohani.
(RH 20 Agustus 1903)

3. Agar hidup kita sebagai umat Tuhan berbeda dengan dunia.
“. . . umat Allah dewasa ini  . . . sudah menjadi begitu mirip dengan orang-orang dunia, sehingga tidak ada perbedaan yang dapat dilihat.” (RH 20 Agustus 1903).

Dimulai dari mana?

“Reformasi diperlukan diantara umat Allah. 
Tetapi akan dimulai pekerjaan penyuciannya dalam diri para pengerja.” 
(1T 469).

Setelah para pekeja, maka berikutnya reformasi itu harus pula dilaksanakan di “rumah tangga” kita sendiri dan dimulai oleh diri kita.”

“Kita ingin supaya reformasi itu dimulai di dalam rumahmu sendiri.  Kita ingin mereka yang ada disekitar akan bangun.  Engkau yang harus memulainya.  Dan ketika mereka melihat engkau mulai bekerja sendiri, mereka akan menyusul. Kami menginginkan reformasi dalam diri anak-anakmu …” (2T 376)

Bidang apa saja yang perlu mendapat perhatian?

Sama seperti masyarakat Indonesia mengharapkan reformasi total dalam pemerintahan dan negara Indonesia, kita juga diharapkan untuk mengadakan reformasi rohani total. 

Namun pada saat ini, secara khusus saya akan menitik beratkan agar masing-masing kita sedikitnya melakukan reformasi rohani dalam 6 hal penting, yaitu:


Karena “Umat Allah tidak bersedia untuk seruan nyaring pekabaran malaikat ke tiga. . . kegelojohan adalah dosa yang menaklukkan manusia pada zaman ini. Nafsu selera telah memperbudak pria dan wanita, membutakan pikiran dan menumpulkan kepekaan moral sehingga tidak sanggup menghargai kebenaran Tuhan yang suci dan mulia itu.” (CDF 32). “Tidaklah mungkin bagi mereka yang tidak mengalahkan selera, dapat mencapai tabiat Kristen yang sempurna.” (2T 400).


Para ahli berkata bahwa kita dibentuk oleh apa yang kita makan dan yang kita minum. Hal yang sama juga terjadi dalam bidang kerohanian. Jika kita tidak memberikan fikiran kita dengan makanan firman Allah dan Roh Nubuat, maka kerohanian kita akan menjadi kerdil.

Ellen White menulis, “Tidak ada gereja yang maju dalam kesucian kecuali anggota-anggotanya mencari dengan sungguh-sungguh kebenaran itu seperti mencari harta yang tersembunyi.” (GC 522.)


Sekarang ini kita, khususnya para orang muda harus berhati-hati dalam memilih musik dan lagu yang mereka mainkan dan dengarkan. Mengapa? Karena ada banyak musik-musik yang justru membawa kita jauh dari Tuhan, misalnya Metal, Rock dan sejenisnya.
Jauh-jauh hari sebelumnya Ellen White telah menasehatkan umat Tuhan, bahwa “Setan akan membuat musik sebagai satu jerat.” (2SM 37,38)
“Musik apabila disalahgunakan akan menjadi suatu kutuk yang sangat mengerikan.”

“Tindakan-tindakan dan perkataan kita harus dijaga pada hari Sabat.” (CG 529)

“Jangan melibatkan diri dengan percakapan yang sia-sia pada hari Sabat … percakapan sia-sia dan yang lucu-lucu, merupakan pelanggaran terhadap hukum ke empat.” (CG 529,530 )

Kata Yesus, “. . . berdoalah kamu supaya kamu jangan kena pencobaan. (Lukas 22:46)

Saat ini banyak umat Allah yang melupakan kuasa doa, sekaranglah waktunya bagi kita untuk memperbaiki diri dan berusaha untuk menjadi para pendoa.

Henok diangkat hidup-hidup ke Sorga, dia adalah orang benar. Apa rahasia hidup Henok? Jawabnya ialah, kerajinan dalam berdoa.
“Henok adalah seorang yang kuat. . . dan ia mengadakan hubungan yang tetap dengan surga serta merasakan kebesaran Ilahi.” (PP 85)

6. Reformasi dalam bidang Penatalayanan. Mengapa?
Karena selama ini cara kita dalam mengembalikan persepuluhan  dan khususnya persembahan tidak mengikuti pola yang Alkitabiah.

Mungkin masih banyak dari antara kita yang belum mengembalikan sepenuhnya bahagian yang milik Tuhan.

Saudara, “Allah tidak dapat mencurahkan Roh KudusNya apabila kita masih bersifat tamak.” (CS 52)

Dalam memberikan persembahan juga bahkan banyak yang belum mengikuti sistem yang Alkitabiah (systematic benovalence).

Kita harus selalu ingat bahwa pada hari penghukuman nanti, kita harus menghadapi catatan mengenai cara-cara kita memakai uang Allah. Telah banyak digunakan untuk kesenangan diri sendiri, memuaskan keinginan diri sendiri yang sebenarnya digunakan tidak membawa kebaikan yang sebenarnya, tetapi membawa celaka yang pasti. Kalau saja kita menyadari bahwa Allah itu adalah pemberi segala sesuatu yang baik, yang mana uang itu adalah kepunyaan-Nya, maka wajib kita bijaksana menggunakannya sesuai dengan kehendak-Nya yang suci itu. Dunia ini, adat kebiasaannya, segala modenya bukanlah menjadi standar kita. Kita tidak mempunyai keinginan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan kebiasaan-kebiasaannya. Kita tidak membiarkan kecenderungan-kecenderungan hati kita itu menguasai kita. (E.G.White, Letter 8, 1889)

Memboroskan uang dalam kemewahan berarti merampas dari fakir miskin, yang tadinya perlu dipakai untuk membekali mereka dengan makanan dan pakaian. Itu berarti uang yang dibelanjakan untuk memuaskan selera, kesombongan dalam pakaian dan perabot serta perhiasan dapat meringankan dukacita banyak keluarga yang melarat dan menderita sengsara. Para penatalayan Allah haruslah membantu orang-orang yang tidak mampu. (E.G.White, R&H, Des, 8, 1896)

Mari kita lihat apa yang dikatakan oleh Alkitab  mengenai cara “memberikan pesembahan”. Saya sengaja membuat ini sebagai bahan perbandingan dengan kebiasaan banyak dari antara kita dalam memberikan pesembahan. Baca instruksi Rasul Paulus dalam 1 Korintus 16:2,3.

“Pada hari pertama dari tiap-tiap minggu hendaklah kamu masing-masing – sesuai dengan apa yang kamu peroleh – menyisihkan sesuatu dan menyimpannya di rumah, supaya jangan pengumpulan itu baru diadakan, kalau aku datang”.
“Sesudah aku tiba, aku akan mengutus orang – orang, yang kamu anggap layak, dengan surat ke Yerusalem untuk menyampaikan pemberianmu”.

Kapan diberikan?
Rencana Tuhan: Hari pertama dalam minggu, intinya disini ialah mendahulukan Allah. Setiap kali anda mendapatkan upah apakah itu harian mingguan dan bulanan, maka sisihkan pertama persembahan dan perpuluhan untuk Tuhan di rumah

Rencana Manusia: Pada jam kebaktian khotbah, saat diakon mengumpulkan persembahan, mulai membuka dompet dan memilih nilai uang yang terkecil, tidak direncakan sebelumnya dari rumah

Siapa yang memberi?
Rencana Tuhan: Masing-masing orang
Rencana Manusia: Anggota yang punya uang saja

Berapa banyak yang diberi?
Rencana Tuhan: Sesuai dengan berkat yang diterima
Rencana Manusia: Sesuka hati (anehnya biasanya memilih yang lebih rendah nilainya)

Dimana disiapkan?
Rencana Tuhan: Di rumah sudah disisihkan, di gereja hanya meneyrahkan
Rencana Manusia: Di gereja baru memutuskan berapa yang mau diberi

“Uang tidak perlu menjadi kutuk. Uang itu tinggi nilainya sebab jika digunakan sepatutnya, dapat mendatangkan kebaikan dalam keselamatan jiwa-jiwa, menjadi berkat bagi orang-orang lain yang lebih miskin dari diri kita sendiri.” (E.G.W. Happiness Homemade, hlm. 138)

“Sudahkah kita mempraktekkan sistem pemberian persepuluhan dan pesembahan seperti ini?”

Kita hidup pada zaman kesuaman. Kristus mengamarkan agar kita segera mengadakan reformasi rohani, sehingga kesuaman itu dapat berobah menjadi kesungguh-sungguhan. Alkitab mengingatkan jika saja kita tetap dalam kondisi yang suam, kita akan dimuntahkan.

Reformasi rohani, adalah merupakan keharusan! Hal itu adalah merupakan syarat mutlak agar kita mendapatkan kecurahan Roh Hujan akhir, itupulalah yang membuat kita menjadi tahan uji pada masa-masa susah di depan kita menjelang kedatanganNya.

“Kebangunan dan kesalehan yang besar, ialah kebutuhan terbesar yang paling mendesak untuk kita sekarang ini. Untuk memperoleh itu haruslah ada usaha dipihak kita yang pertama.” (1SM 128).

Homeschooling: Communication Tool

The study of the Scriptures is the means divinely ordained to bring men into closer connection with their Creator and to give them a clearer knowledge of His will. It is the medium of communication between God and man. GC 69.2 (Chapter 4)

There are various kinds of communication tools. Jordan (7) has known most of them. The lesson requires him to memorize yhe phone number of his parent. In case of emergency, he should know how to inform and ask for help.

We made a simple phone from cans and thread. Both Joeva (4) and Jordan were very excited. Much more when they could hear the voices of each other.
I used it to give Jordan some simple instructions e.g. put on your hat etc. He was amazed on how this simple tool works and instantly obey the command. This simple tool requires us to listen carefullt as the voice volume is low and noise surrounds caused more problems.

That is exactly how we communicate with our God. Listen to Him carefully, Obey, and reduce the noise as best as we can.


Homeschooling: City and Country

The physical surroundings in the cities are often a peril to health. The constant liability to contact with disease, the prevalence of foul air, impure water, impure food, the crowded, dark, unhealthful dwellings, are some of the many evils to be met. It was not God’s purpose that people should be crowded into cities, huddled together in terraces and tenements.—The Ministry of Healing, 365 (1905). LDE 99.2

I want to direct my kids to chiose village rather than city. We live in the subburb. So i need to bring them to the real city. We went to ride a city tour in the centre of the city where great buildings and lights are on. My kids never ride a bus before so it will be a first experience riding a bus in the city.

We parked our car in one building nrxt to Sarinah and caught the bus from there. The kids were super excited




After 15mins waiting, then the bus comes. Still exci






We dropped by and returned to Sarinah by public transport called TRANSJAKARTA. Unlike the city tour bus, Transjakarta required ticket. My husband bought ticket for all of us, and we rolled on the road!!!




Next trip is Country side!

Homeschooling: Pets

Isaiah 11:6-8 (KJV)  The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice’ den.

Children will play with wild animals in Heaven. It is now the time to love and care about animals.
My husband and i once thought to buy a pet. A dog. A cute dog. However, it is so expensive and i don’t think we will be patient enough to take care of it.

But i want to teach the kids how to love animals for in Heaven, they will play with animals, the wild ones!

My kids are scared of animals, even an ant. Then one day, i saw few children gathered with sticks. I asked Jordan what they did. He said they hit a kitten for it is so naughty. Suddenly i burst out and told the children to leave the kitten alone. I brought it home. My children were scared and jumped up on the chairs. The kitten was scared either. It must have been hit manytimes. It was a thin kitten with brown hair.

I explained that this kitten is one of God’s creation. It must be LOVED! My children insisted that the kitten was so naughty. Again, i explained that iy because the kitten was hungry, cold, sad, and terrified because it has no parents.

I put the kitten in a safe place, grabbed my car key, and pulled the children into the car. They asked where we are going. I ran the car to the nearest petshop, and grabbed 400gr of fish crackers. The kids were questioning, buy i was just silent.

We went home and I took 2 unused plastic bowl, one for the food and one for the drink. I showed them how to feed the kitten. It was scared of me and trembled at first, but as it smells the fish crackers, it hopped into the basket and started to eat. My kids enjoyed the view where the kitten ate the crackers voraciously. Then i prepared the drink in the other bowl. The kitten was happy and rubbed its head on my foot. It started to jump here and there and my kids laughed at it. There is no naught kitten anymore, i told them. They finally understand that it was not the kitten, but the people who is naughty.

That night, one boy from the neighborhood claimed that the kitten is his. He took it back because he was jealous that now my children and the kitten are friends. Jordan looked sad as the kitten was taken away. I said that he shouldn’t be worried. He already did the best for it and i believe that the kitten knew that my children loves it. The kitten will be back to those who did good to it not to those who own it.

In the morning, my kids got up earlier, and tadaaaa…suddenly we heard MIAAAUUWWW….it is back!!! Again it rubbed its head on our feet, and my children were happy to feed it again.
The next day, another cat came, and i told my children to show goodness and love everyone even it is a dirty cat. Since then, they love to feed any cat that pass by our house.




He’s The Maker…then we should know how to make something, to create. I explained that God formed the man from clay. Kids were eager to know how di God feel when He created a man. He let His hands dirty, long processing, carefully form it (the nose, ears, mouth, etc). No wonder He loves man so much for a man was wonderfully and amazingly made by God. 100% Handmade!

The kids love to play with dough. Forming one to another. Mixing the color. However, the play-dough is so expensive. Then I searched in the internet how to make a play-dough.
Flour (2cups)
Salt (1 cup)
Baby oil (2 tbspn)
Water (2cups)
Boil altogether until the flour doesnt stick. Leave till cool.
Divide into portions, add food colour (red,blue,yellow,green,etc).

Jordan said that He now knows that God must be so much tired when He created a man. It was a long process and dirty work.






Finally, we start it. Yes, the homeschooling for Jordan (7), Joeva (4) and Joshe (2). I am the teacher for joeva and jordan with pre-school lessons but of course different material according to their ages and interests.

Joshe is handled by Opung with pictures and cards.

Opung and I set up one room upstairs as our learning room. It was decorated with colorful animals stickers. We have one white-board, one large table which actually was our dining table (we started with what we have), two smaller wooden student-table, one book shelf and that’s it. The children enjoy the study time a lot, in fact they do not want to stop. I did vacuum yhe classroom everytime we end the class.





Jordan has 3x a week learning schedule. Joeva has only 2x a week even she always insists to study everyday. Joshe has everyday learning schedule along with his brother and sister.

The main lesson is BIBLE (Integrated Faith Learning). For example, I introduced the square shape to joeva from Revelation 22. I introduced English and explained that languages came from BABEL. We learnt about animals from the creation day. And many more…

I still can not believe that this can be happened. I mean, it is like a dream that i can teach my children on my own. It has been being my dream to be like this.

Family Recreation

It was my plan, as always, to have a family recreation. As written in EGW writings that a family recreation should not filled with artificial amusement only and a time-wasting as well as a money-wasting activities.

That was my fundamental when planning a family recreation. Where could i bring my family to see the creation of God? How should i bring them there? Where is the economic place to stay? First, i have to ask my husband to save the date for this plan as he is the ‘busiest’ employee i know lol. Second, choose the destination. Third, book the accomodation and transportation.

My husband agreed to block 1 week (22-26 june 2015) for this plan. East Java has a new educative park called Jatim Park. It has an exotic zoo, museums, lotsa greeny area, close with sky, animals, trees, and mountains. PERFECT!!
Then I started browsing the net to find the perfect accomodation. I choosed a homestay, affordable, clean, and close to the park. The pediatrician of my children recommended BATU PATADISE HOTEL. I checked it right away, and YES, it is awesome for a price cheaper than a homestay. But then i was attracted to the nearby hotel named BATU WONDERLAND HOTEL with similar price (with paradise) but more fascinating modern water park and playground. It must be a heaven for children. But hey….WAIT!! Did i say ‘heaven’? I must be crazy if i want to direct their minds to an earthly heaven.

I was tempted to choose the wonderland for us to stay but then o realize that my children will not be interested to go to the park, garden, zoo, and museums if we stay there. They will choose to stay in the hotel, and i close that page right away and transfer the booking fee for Batu Paradise Hotel.

How will we go there? I choose economy train back and forth. Not only for its affordable price (IDR 595K back and forth) but also 24hrs trip back and forth will teach my kids how to have a long-suffering, simplicity, besides they never ride a train before. So this gonna be their first trip. The first is always the best, i believe it! For this first trip by train, we choosed JAYABAYA train from Pasar Senen (Jakarta) to Malang. The trip duration was 13hrs (the fastest among all executives and economy class). This is a brand new train, economy class but super clean and.comfort. Ticket fares from IDR 245k to IDR 370k depends on the carriage. The more expensive the ticket is, the more foremost your carriage is. But based on my experience, 5th and 6th carriage are better than 1st to 4th. More spacious for toilet, less passengers content, and best sits are 1a-1d if you need more room for your legs.

If you noticed the blue carpet under the seat, we brought it from home for the kids so they can use it for lying down or sleep with bed cover and blanket. They like it! We bought the carpet 2m with price IDR 9k/mtr. It is easy to folde and didnt need mire space in our bag, waterproof and cheap. We just leave it in the train when arrived in jkt. The train is cheaper and more comfortable. Train ticket for back and forth costs the same with one way plane ticket. There are some trains which are more comfortable than JAYABAYA, executives train with.TV, carpets, reclining seat, foot and arm rests, head pillow, curtain, but trip duration is 16-18hrs and costs as much as plane ticket.

We arrived in Malang train station and welcomed by its morning breeze, it was 1am in the morning. Cool fresh air, so different with our city. Kids slept, and i strted to walk out to find a taxi while my husband and mum waited in tha station hall. I actually did call Taxi Citra (0341-404040), 2hrs before our arrival, but they said that their vehicles are 24hrs ready in the station. And yes, there are some Taxi Citra parked in their shuttle. We jumped in immediately and our lugages fit the cabin very well except the baby stroller, so we must put it under our feet. The driver was nice but didn’t know the hotel that we were heading. I was astonished by the cleanliness and tidiness of Malang City, my husband and i was dreaming while the driver brought us away from.Malang city to Batu city. When i realized that the driver was confused, i grabbed my phone and asked help from Mr.googlemap, then started directing the driver, and TADAAA…we reached the hotel in 15mins.

We checked in the hotel, but the check-on time is still in 12hrs and the room that we booked is not available until then, my husband agree with me to rent another room for us to stay until our booked room is available. The problem is the only available room is in a higher class, super deluxe, with more expensive price (IDR 499k/night) compare to the superior one (IDR 399k/night) that we booked. I looked at my husband, and he gave a YES sign, then i signed the form. But the receiptionist said that i only need to pay IDR 200k for it was considered as a transit only. WOW…praise God!!

As we stepped into the room, we were satisfied by its look, two double king size beds, shower room, and a terrace with big sofa and a pool and mountain view.

In the morning, after morning worship, we had a breakfast buffet in the resto, free for two adults and all children below 11 years old. Yippi!!! So i only need 1 additional breakfas for my mum cost only IDR 35k. Menu: Plain rice, vegetarian fried rice, vegetable soup, vegetarian dish, chicken dish (saute, grilled, roasted, chilli, etc), chips, and watermelon. Free coffee and tea, which we didn’t choose, and mineral water (our favorite).

After breakfast, we got ready for the park trip. I asked the front desk to reserve a taxi. Taxi Citra (again) come in an MPV car size (new avanza) and we can drop the baby stroller in without folding it (less effort)…hehhe.. The taxi minimum payment is IDR 30K, and as our destination was just less than 3km away from each place, so we only need to pay the minimum payment.

We started with Jatim Park 2, Batu Secreat Zoo, Eco park and Animal Museum. It is so true that the zoo was exotic. Lots of animals that we never seen. I finally saw the animals that i always curious at during my childhood. I only saw them in the book, but now i see them all!!! Ecopark was amazing indeed. So educating yet full with fun, exactly the best place for fun learning.
We had lunch at 3pm (laaattee), but the kids didn’t feel hungry, except my hunger baby, joshema, who always feels hungry. Jordan and Joeva were busy in the park until i forced them to sit down and eat their lunch. There were not so many choices for my children to eat as all food are non-vegetarian food. So they eat only plain rice and tempe/tahu (soy cake/bean curd). Only prayer keeps them healthy!
Jordan had fun in the waterpark (as always), joeva was to tired to play after lunch, joshema was attracted with the baby zoo. My husband and i tried bumper cars, as the time flies so fast and we spent to much time in the zoo and the kiddos were too tired to try the bumper cars, jet coaster, etc. We missed the Animals Museum as we ran out of time and energy.
We went back to hotel and planned to have dinner in the hotel as we ran out of energy and appetite for dining out.
Unexpectedly, the hotel provided free dinner buffet ….Yeeeyy! The appetite came back and the energy boosted up again. So, we have free lunch and diner during our staying.









I can say that Eco green park was the best place to visit

We woke up earlier, had breakfast and ready to go to Jatim Park 1 and Human Body Museum. This time, we didnt want to be late. We paid the entrance fee IDR 90k/pax, free ticket for children under 85cm (Joshema). The museum was excellent. We could see the huge size of tongue, ears, nose, teeth, lungs, hearts, blood veins, kidneys, all the organs of human body with its unique sounds and colors. They also had plasticined human body, the real ones, not only one, but FIVE!! Amazing! Jatim park 1 is not as interesting as Jatim park 2. More on games only few educative facilities. image







Day 3
Museum of transportation (Museum angkut) and Museum of Mask (Museum Topeng) plus Floating Market (pasar apung) for souvenir and meals. Entry ticket IDR 70k/pax for all three places. museum angkut is fabulous. It has theme/category for each vehicle, from country,super hero, year of manufacture, person who used it, history, type, from 1913 Ford, England empire’s vehicle, Porsche, Limousine Hummer, Batman’s car to Mr.Bean Mini Cooper, from Pedicab, Italian Vespa to Harley Davidson. They also have a replika of NASA rocket!
Museum of mask was not too interesting. I told the kids that these masks were initially used to worship devil. Besides, the kids were scared of the masks.




We had lunch in floating market while the kids rode a small wooden boat around the market with IDR 10k/pax and of course free ticket for joshema.

We met a travel guide who offered us a one night tour to the famous Mount Bromo. The travel agent named SENAPATI.NET (082232620004). They offered a price of IDR 245k/pax woth min 6 person. Since we were only 5, then we paid IDR 290k/pax. Booking fee 20% was transferred to their account and the remaining cash was paid after the trip. Travel agent is the safest way to go to bromo since there were various price of jeep rental.

We were picked up from the hotel at 12am (midnight) by minivan and went to Pasuruan, we stopped at one place to change the vehicle since the road condition require a 4×4 jeep to pass the way. Then we were transferred to a 4×4 land cruiser jeep model 1979 at 2.30am. The jeep can contain 6-7passangers. It took us 1hr to reach the top view for sunrise.
It was terribly cold for me. The best way to cover our body from such an extreme weather is to wear 4 layers clothes + a coat + a scarf + a hat + double gloves + double socks + shoes.
Some people might not be requiring all these stuffs, but for a new comer like me, i would prefer the safe way to travel with kids and baby.













From this dessert we have to walk for another 2km to reach that smoking crater (Bromo). Another option is horse-riding IDR 100k – 140k/pax for back and forth. We decided not to go the the crater because the jeep driver said that the crater is now too deep since the last eruption and you can not see anything in that crater.

The temperature is around 19 deg on the dessert. The kiddos don’t need jacket, scarf and hat anymore.





We didnt spend too much time in the dessert. By 9am, we went down.

We arrived in the hotel at 11am and did nothing but went straight to bed. We were super exhausted. Especially me who carried joshema all the way up and down from the mountain. Woke up at 2pm since the kiddos created a lot of noise. We got ready for BNS (Batu Night Simage











ctaculer) opens from 3pm till midnight. Entry ticket IDR 20k/paimage





x or package of IDR 65k/pax for

all rides. We didnt feel like enjoying the rides especially the adrenalin boosters. So we didnt take the package. BNS was disappointing, only filled with amusements. We were

glad we didnt buy the package. Since we arrived too early (3pm) and the lights were not on yet

. So we went to kids playground and bought the entry ticket IDR 15k/kid with one parent. There is no time limit for this one. So we let the kids explored the place and all the toys and game.machines in it.

Among tried the Gokart for 2 laps costs IDR 40k. We went to the lampion garden which is the maskot of BNS. Lampion.Garden was awesome! Makr sure that your camera is equipped with a feature to take picture in a night scene with light background or else the pictures will be awful like some of mine.

2nd Baby

Rasanya baru kemarin ngerasain baby blue, eh…sekarang udh mo lahiran lagi. well, mmg Joeva (1st baby) baru 18bln, dan dlm beberapa hari lagi dia bakal pnya ade lagi.

dulu smpt berpikir utk menunda kelahiran anak kedua selama mugkin, utk alasan bahwa spy joeva ga kurang kasih sayang. tp takutnya malah jd ga kepengen pny anak lagi. Apapun itu, kami tetap bersyukur dengan kelahiran anak yang kedua ini.

Yeah…it is a boy! menurut ramalan USG. Walaupun jujur aja, agak khawatir juga pnya anak laki.Banyak hal menakutkan yang aku pikirkan ttg anak laki. But God will provide for sure!

terus terang aku gak pernah terlalu excited dlm menantikan kelahiran anak. prrsiapan kelahiran pun berlanngsung biasa saja. krn mmg aku gak terlalu suka mengunjungi pusat perbelanjaan, sebisa mgkn aku menggunakan jasa online shopping. segala sesuatunya aku bli sesuai keperluan. kebetulan pakaian newborn bekas joeva udh dilengserkan sama mamaku ke sodara yg memerlukan. alhasil aku hrs bli baru smua popok, bedong, gurita, dll,dsb.

Untung, wkt beberapa bln yg lalu dlm.sebuah business trip ke negara paman sam, aku yg aslinya gak hobby shopping di luar negri terpaksa borong barang2 bayi, pakaian, selimut, kaos kaki, topi dlsb yg ternyata jauuuuhhh lebih murah dr di negri sendiri (utk kelas grosiran) dgn kualitas dan brand import. Nama tokonya Ross store, gk jauh dr sheraton hotel tempat kami menginap. Hanya naik shuttle car dari hotel kami sdh bs tiba di arena perbelanjaan tsb. Smua barang disini luar bisa murah. Dari parfum, sepatu (sepatu cewe ada di toko sebelahnya), toys buat anak, baby things, belt, sunglasses, dan tas.

Sebuah selimut bulu yg supeer lembut hanya dibandrol $8, baju jumpsuit 5 setel hanya $15 merk carter dgn bahan yg jg super lembut. Kaos kaki merk esprit, Hello Kitty, cma $10 utk 10 pasang. Semua bekal pakaian Joshema sampai usia 9bln sdh terpenuhi hanya dengan uang sakuku jd student di texas. Lumayaaannn….
Gak ketinggalan aku beli clutch merk nine west 5 biji @ $10. Bli sepatu OshKosh buat joeva $8, sepatu buat jordan Marshall $10, dan dress buat aq $7.

Baru kali ini blanja kaya orang kalap…hihihi…trnyata shopping itu nikmat ya??
Tp kalo ketemu brg2 yg murah meriah kaya di Ross Store

Penantian yang kedua

gak terasa, bntr lagi lahiran yg kedua. yep,it is now a boy according to ramalan usg..sebagaimana pengalaman yg pertama, tidak ada rasa excited yg berlebihan, mgkn krn memang sdh berprinsip utk tidak trlalu excited.

persiapan perlengkapan bayi sdh ada. terpaksa smua newborn clothes hrs bli baru, krn ex-joeva sdh dilungsurin ke sodara.

Smua persiapan sesuai kebutuhan aja, gak ada yg berlebihan. aq mmg menahan diri utk tidak berlebihan dlm hal materi. evrything just as needed! no more no less!

gimana ya rasanya pny anak laki? apakah benar spt kata orang? merepotkan, banyak biaya, mengkhawatirkan, butuh tenaga extra, dlsb,dll? aah…God will provide for sure!

smua org menganggap aq org yg sempurna skrg, ada anak perempuan dan ada anak laki2 tnp perlu diprogram via dokter kandungan.

tp apa benar begitu? ah, gak tau deh…aq hny menjalaninya aja. toh mereka (kedua anakku) bukan milikku, mrk milik Tuhan, jd buat apa aq bermegah diri utk sesuatu yg bkn milikku?