Many women proud of being a carreer woman, being an employee of one company, go to work early in the morning and come back late at night. And this fashion hasn’t stopped even after they get married and bear their children. How many children are forced to be put in the ‘second priority’ after the job of their mums?

Women should be at home, serving their family member, bearing their children, educating their children and husband as well. But most of the time, 9 out of 10 women, disagree with this by saying that they are working to help their family, they are building their carreer for the brighter future for their children. If each woman wants to give their mouth a time to rest and give their hearts a time to speak, and if only the Holy Spirit guides their minds, if only they want to give a time to God to speak and not monopolizing each second to speak out, they will find it true. Yes, it is so true. Women should be at home.

When all women give their best to develop their carreer at work instead of finding a way out to be at home with the children, there is also an unique case contrary with this common fact.

A woman who wants to dedicate their life with their children but forced to go out everyday before the sun rise and come back home after the sun set, leave their children at home with no choice, for she is the back bone to support their family. A mum as single parent does that.

No matter if you were situated in a condition where a woman should earn some money or even if you live a ‘women right equalization’ life, a woman should treasure a dream in their minds that the highest dignity of a woman is to be with her children. No doubt!

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